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sb-texinfo converts Common Lisp documentation strings for inclusion in a Texinfo manual—which can then be converted into eg. HTML and PDF.

While current implementation is SBCL-only, there is no fundamental reason why support for other Common Lisps could not be added.

sb-texinfo was originally written for processing the SBCL docstrings by Rudi Sclatte in 2004, and has been maintained as part of SBCL since then. This version was split from the SBCL sources in 2011 in order to generalize it for documenting other software. Like SBCL, this manual is in the Public Domain.

sb-texinfo is maintained in Git:

     git clone git://

will get you a local copy.

is the GitHub project page, where the issue tracker is located.

Table of Contents

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1 Overview

There are two main ways of using sb-texinfo

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2 Examples

2.1 Using generate-includes

This manual is produced using the generate-includes method. sb-texinfo.texinfo is the main Texinfo source file, where docstrings are included.

A Makefile is responsible for running SBCL and the Texinfo toolchain.

Finally, style.css is used to prettify the HTML version.

This produces the following HTML and PDF files:

and a GNU info file as well.

2.2 Using document-package

An alternate version of this manual, produced using

      :output-file "document-package-sample.texinfo")

and further processed using the Makefile linked above:

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3 Dictionary

— Function: document-package package &key output-file standalone title

Creates Texinfo documentation for package in output-file, which defaults to the <shortest-package-name>.texinfo. Returns the pathname of the created file as the primary value. An "include/" directory is created in the same location as the Texinfo file, which contains parts included in the Texinfo file.

If standalone is true (the default), a standalone Texinfo file is created. Otherwise a file suitable for including in other Texinfo files is created.

The title is used for the documentation, defaulting to capitalized shortest package name.

The generated Texinfo uses include files generated by generate-includes, making this function a convenient way to generate an initial template for a manually maintained Texinfo manual.

— Function: document-package-pathname package &key output-file &allow-other-keys

Returns the pathname used for output-file by document-package when called with the same arguments.

— Function: generate-includes directory packages &key base-package

Create files in directory containing Texinfo markup of all docstrings of each exported symbol in packages. The directory is created if it does not exist yet. Trailing slash is required.

The names of the generated files are of the form


and can be included in Texinfo source via @include statements. Texinfo syntax-significant characters are escaped in symbol names, but if a docstring contains invalid Texinfo markup, you lose.

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Appendix A Function Index